“ A Four-days Basic Introductory Hands-on course on treatment of children with Cerebral Palsy and other neurological impairments using Neuro-Developmental Treatment Concept” Theoretical Framework & Principles of Clinical Practice.
Basic NDT hands-on workshop in Surat in association of Surat Physio Club, on 13th -14th September & 20th-21st September, 2014
Post-conference Workshop on “Linking the Posture & Oro-motor function in children with Cerebral Palsy and other Neuromotor Disorders: a NDT perspective”
organized by 8th CONPHYCS, AIMS, Ahmadabad on 23rd November, 2014
“ A Two-days Basic Introductory Hands-on course on treatment of children with Cerebral Palsy and other neurological impairments using Neuro-Developmental Treatment Concept” Theoretical Framework & Principles of Clinical Practice.
Basic NDT hands-on workshop at Baroda, on 31st January & 1st February 2105
“ A Four-days Basic Introductory Hands-on course on treatment of children with Cerebral Palsy and other neurological impairments using Neuro-Developmental Treatment Concept” Theoretical Framework & Principles of Clinical Practice.
Basic NDT hands-on workshop at Surat on 11th -12th April & 18th-19th April, 2015
“ A Five-days Basic Introductory Hands-on course on treatment of children with Cerebral Palsy and other neurological impairments using Neuro-Developmental Treatment Concept & Sensory Integration" - Theoretical Framework & Principles of Clinical Practice
“Application of Sensory Integration framework in kids in Cerebral Palsy” at K M Patel institute of Physiotherapy on 10th May, 2017.
“Function in Pediatrics: Liberating the Limbs and Mouth with a Strong Core” At Surat on 30th Sep - 1st Oct & 6th, 7th ,8th Oct 2017
"NDT & SI for Children with Neuromotor Challenges” at Yenapoya Physiotherapy College, Yenapoya University, Mangalore from 28th May 2018 to 1st June 2018."
"Hands on Workshop on improving functions for children with Neuromotor Disabilities using Neuro Developmental Treatment Approach” Pre – conference workshop at Parul University, Vadodara on 5th – 6th December 2018."
“Application of Sensory Integration framework in kids in Cerebral Palsy” at Amarjyoti Institute of Physiotherapy, New Delhi on 30th & 31st Aug 2019.
“Function in Pediatrics: Liberating the Limbs and Mouth with a Strong Core” at Yenapoya Physiotherapy College, Yenapoya University, Mangalore from 11th Nov 2019 to 15th May 2019.
“Application of Sensory Integration framework in kids in Cerebral Palsy” at M S Ramaiah Medical College, Dept of Physiotherapy, Bangalore on 16th & 17th Nov 2019.
“Function in Pediatrics: Liberating the Limbs and Mouth with a Strong Core” at Inamdar Multispecialty Hospital, Pune 6th to 8th March 2020.
Seminar on “introduction of Neuro Developmental treatment Approach” at SOCH Dehi, Dec 2016
Given Lecture on “Linking Postural Control with Oro motor dysfunction in child with Cerebral Palsy and other Neuromotor disorders” at the Second Annual Conference of Society of Indian Physiotherapists held on February 10 – 12, 2017 at Bengaluru.
“High Functioning Autism” at Doctor Hall, Bhavnagar on occasion of World Autism Day organized by Lions Club, Bhavnagar.
“Cortical Visual Impairment” in Reconnection Cerebral Palsy 2017 at Ahmadabad on 30th April 2017.
“Use of Sensory integration theory to solve Autism Puzzle” at AIMS, Ahmadabad on 24th November 2017
“Cortical Visual Impairment in Children” in World Ayush Expo – national Physiotherapy Conclave 2019 at Navi Mumbai on 25th August 26, 2019.
Panelist on “Classroom Behavior of Child” organize by Udaan Pre School, Bhavnagar & Early Childhood Association on 23rd Dec 2019.
“My Child Does not see the Object – An evidence based case study on Cortical Visual Impairment” Focused Symposia Speaker in 5th Annual Conference of Society of Indian Physiotherapists held on 10th to 12th January 2020, Mumbai.
‘ONE SMALL STEP’: A CME on GAIT & MOTION Analysis at Holy Family Hospital, Mumbai.
“GAIT & MOTION Analysis” (Hands on practical training workshop in instrumented Gait analysis) organized by the dept. of Bio-engineering and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Christian Medical College, Vellore.
Two days workshop on ‘THE USE OF SPORTS TAPING IN MUSCULO-SKELETAL INJURIES’ by Dr. Andrew Leipus (Former Physiotherapist of Indian Cricket team, Consultant Physiotherapist, BCCI), organized by Dr. M. V. Shetty College of Physiotherapy.
A workshop on “TREATMENT STRATEGIES FOR PERSON WITH NEUROLOGICAL IMPAIREMENTS BASED ON NEUROLOGICAL PRINCIPLES AND MYOFACIAL RELEASE” BY Rajkumar Rajan, Physiotherapist, Bobath Institute, London. Organized by Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy, Mangalore.
A workshop on ‘Soft Tissue Massage’ by Dr. AGK Sinha, MPT, PhD. Organized by K. Pandyaraj Ballal College of Physiotherapy, Mangalore.
Per-conference workshop on ‘PEDIATRIC ORTHOPEDIC REHABILITATION’ organized by S. K. Physiotherapy Teachers Association.
Symposium on ‘RECENT TRENDS IN NEUROLOGY’ organized by Indian Association of Physiotherapists ®, Mangalore.
Symposium on “RECENT TRENDS IN ORTHOPEDICS’ organized by Indian Association of Physiotherapists ®, Mangalore.
Post-conference workshop on the “RATIONALIZATION OF MANIPULATION TO SPINE AND EXTREMITIES” organized by S. K. Physiotherapy Teachers Association.
A CPE on “VESTIBULAR REHABILITATION” by John Solomon Phd, organized by Yenpoya Medical College Hospital, Derlekatte, Mangalore.
A workshop on “Stroke rehabilitation – Task Oriented Approach” organized by Dr. M. V. Shetty College of Physiotherapy, Mangalore.
A workshop on “Role of dynamic surfaces for promoting Fun and functional shifts in client with neuromotor challenges using NDT approach” by Jane Styer-Acevedo held at Ahmadabad 11-13 July 2013
“CCT – 2015” 18th Annual Conference of Trauma Society Of India held at Bhavnagar, Gujarat on 3rd to 5th April 2105
Kaushal also attended various National Physiotherapy conferences along with WCPT-AWP conference held in Mumbai 2008
“It reinvented me, freshened up my skills and gained a new understanding of my own concepts with the new methods which I learned for treating the CP childrens. By applying those principles I thereafter able to assess the case more precisely as i was taught to put emphasis on certain areas while assessing , which I never thought can be important. After using the methods in my profession, the results which I got on my patients were very impactful. The workshop turned out to be very valuable for whole group of students like me- worth every penny (and a lot more). Time just flew realizing “It’s over already? I want more!”
After attending this workshop I got an different approach towards oromotor issues..I had a clear vision of looking at patients coming with oromotor difficulties to look at their sensory aspect, head and trunk control and securing their base first. So now when I work for base of control and sensory issues definitely get successful result which makes parents more comfortable with feeding time of their kids.